
You should specify settings in your like this:

        'BATCH_SIZE': 1000,
        'LOG_LEVEL': 1,

Here’s a list of available settings:

Settings for outgoing email

Setting Default Description
BATCH_SIZE 100 How many email’s to send at a time. Used in
THREADS_PER_PROCESS 5 How many threads to use when sending emails
DEFAULT_PRIORITY ‘medium’ Priority, which is assigned to new email if not given specifically
LOG_LEVEL 2 Log level. 0 - log nothing, 1 - log errors, 2 - log errors and successors
SENDING_ORDER [‘-priority’] Sending order for emails. If you want to send queued emails in FIFO order, set this to [‘created’]

Settings for incoming email

Setting Default Description
STRIP_UNALLOWED_MIMETYPES False Controls whether or not we remove mimetypes not specified in ALLOWED_MIMETYPES from the message prior to storage.
ALLOWED_MIMETYPES [‘text/plain’, ‘text/html’] Has no effect if STRIP_UNALLOWED_MIMETYPES is set to False, otherwise - specifies allowed mimetypes that will not be stripped
TEXT_STORED_MIMETYPES [‘text/plain’, ‘text/html’] A list of mimetypes that will remain stored in the text body of the message in the database.
ALTERED_MESSAGE_HEADER ‘X-Django-Mail-Admin-Altered-Message’ Header to add to a message payload part in the event that the message cannot be reproduced accurately
ATTACHMENT_INTERPOLATION_HEADER ‘X-Django-Mail-Admin-Interpolate-Attachment’ Header to add to the temporary ‘dehydrated’ message body in lieu of a non-text message payload component. The value of this header will be used to ‘rehydrate’ the message into a proper e-mail object in the event of a message instance’s get_email_object method being called.
ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_TO ‘mail_admin_attachments/%Y/%m/%d/’ Attachments will be saved to this location. Specifies the upload_to setting for the attachment FileField. For more info, consult Django docs
STORE_ORIGINAL_MESSAGE True Controls whether or not we store original messages in eml field
COMPRESS_ORIGINAL_MESSAGE False Defines whether we compress the stored original message (.eml becomes .emg.gz)
ORIGINAL_MESSAGE_COMPRESSION 6 Defines the level of original message compression, if enabled
DEFAULT_CHARSET ‘iso8859-1’ The charset that is used by default when decoding emails